June 15, 2021

Presse conference: Tamoil unveils its vision for the future of the Collombey-Muraz site

After conclusively abandoning the refining activities of its Collombey plant in 2020, Tamoil SA today announced its future intentions for the rehabilitation of this exceptional site, which at some 120 hectares is one of the largest single industrial sites in Switzerland. Tamoil has taken the initiative to rehabilitate and upgrade the entire site in a sustainable manner and with a global approach, rather than single plot by single plot, to ensure a harmonious development to the benefit of the entire region.

You will find the press release as well as the presentation of the masterplan, which provides a general vision for the future of the Collombey site, hereunder:

Press Release

Masterplan presentation (in French)

Media contact:

Marie-Hélène Hancock


+41 79 204 21 22

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